Tuesday, June 24, 2014

6/23/14 - Greetings

It's almost July and I'm finally making my thesis production blog. THESIS? WHAT THESIS? Yes you heard me, thesis — as in my last animated film before I graduate.

So I'm gonna be honest: I haven't been the least bit productive at all on this front. In fact, even though I scheduled the entire summer to do a crapload of research/pre-production my thesis advisor (bless you Atia) strictly advised me against following said schedule because she knew I wasn't going to do anything anyways (and she was right). HOWEVER let's at least consider the creation of this blog a good start. And to my defense, I've also been learning Zbrush on the side so that should count for something right?

Okay so excuses aside, let's get back to the main point of this blog: THESIS.

What does 'Krathong' (pronounced KRA-TONG) mean, you ask? Bam.

If you don't want to read through the whole article it's basically a Thai word for a (usually beautifully crafted) float.

And herein lies the heart of my thesis.

Without giving too much away, 'Krathong' is a folktale-like story revolving around the use of a krathong to bring about rain (coincidentally rain seems to be a recurring theme in most of my films (see: Thirst), but I can't help it, I love the dang trope). The film is primarily 3D, but there are also 2D elements (a sequence and vfx) and I plan on texturing my models to give it a 2D effect.

I'll update this blog as pre-production happens (crossing my fingers) and keep y'all excited for newer things to come!

Also it's a great way to convince y'all that I'm actually doing something.