Wednesday, August 13, 2014

8/13/14 - Progress is Progress

First off, I revamped the blog layout and added a swanky new banner that took me about 45 minutes to make — LEGIT, RIGHT? I try, I try.

Blog layout achievements aside, here are some of my initial concept sketches that I had to submit along with my thesis proposal a couple months ago:

There's a whole bunch more in my sketchbook, except I left it in Rochester and won't be in possession of it until about another week. I'm also currently working on my final character designs so I'll try to have those up as soon as possible. All in all there hasn't been much progress per say, but it's still progress. Having a job over the summer was one of my major distractions from working on my thesis, unfortunately.

In spite of my lack of thesis productivity for the past two months my plan for the next two weeks before school starts is to get my character designs done, get some environment concepts out, and begin thumbnailing my story. According to my submitted thesis schedule:

I have to have my storyboards done by week 3 and frankly I'm pretty sure that's not gonna happen so I definitely need to kick my ass into gear and do as much as I can before the semester begins. Future me is gonna hate current me but what can you do.

On a more positive note, I have a composer! I'm really excited about working with him and hopefully he can bring some more culture to my film through his compositions~ Now I just need to contact a sound designer and I'll be able to remove some major weights off my shoulders.

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