Friday, April 10, 2015

4/09/15 - And a Month and a Half Later...

I swear I didn't forget about this blog. I've just been busy staring at Maya for the past 7 weeks and splining animation keys left and right. I just get so distracted from all the fun I'm having that I can't find any time to post a worthwhile update.


Now I know I said I wasn't going to post any animation on here until I was done, but I figured I'd go back on my word and post my current playblasted rough cut. I have about a third of the film left to fully animate and I still need to fine tune a couple of shots, but it's a lot of progress from the last post so I'm pretty proud of myself.

The water effects haven't been included yet since my technical person is currently working on that and I still have 2D effects to draw out. Sound is in progress and I'm especially excited with my composer's work so far (which isn't in this version of the rough cut but I can assure you it's pretty quality stuff).

Anyways it's currently week 10 and my thesis advisor keeps reassuring me that I'm at a decent place in terms of my timeline, but I'm not sure whether or not she's lying to me to keep me motivated. Regardless I feel a lot less behind compared to two months ago and I might even start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel pretty soon. WEEK 15 HERE I COME.

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